Sunday, June 28, 2009

A very merry summer!

Our society has become one based on electronics. We get most of our enjoyment these days from television, games, and the internet, while old crochety guys with walkers reminisce about the good old days, when the only thing to listen to was one guy jabbering on the radio, or barring that, the sound of crickets.

I've vowed to try to get myself out of this vicious cycle that will inevitably create a Matrix-like reality of machines rising above humans, so that when the resistance comes, I'll be fully armed with my deadly whirling LPs and my vicious paper-cut-giving books. In short: it's been a very tough year at school. Time to break out the creativity and step away from the hyperactivity of the internet -

Time to bring out the books.

...By posting about them on the internet.

Okay, so it's not the most foolproof plan, but I've got a lot of books that I want to talk about and I need somewhere to talk about them. Hence this blog. Rather self-serving, but what are blogs for? (Why are you reading them? --That's right, to hear what other people think. So I'm going to darn well tell you what I think!)

ANYway. In all seriousness, I hope this blog inspires you to read some of the books posted. I'm going to try to post my prospective list soon, along with my first reviews. (I've read two and a half books already.)

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